Individual choices for entry to pioneer secondary schools (Session 2020) 25/06/2020 Individual choices for entry to pioneer secondary schools (Session 2020)2024-09-02T09:39:40+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Promotion of primary teachers who have undergone training (Session October 01, 2019) 23/06/2020 Promotion of primary teachers who have undergone training (Session October 01, 2019)2024-09-02T09:39:40+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Result of internal contest on files for the promotion of agents of the joint technical corps (2019 session) 23/06/2020 Result of internal contest on files for the promotion of agents of the joint technical corps (2019 session)2024-09-02T09:39:40+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Individual choices for entry to pioneer secondary schools (2020 Session ) 17/06/2020 Individual choices for entry to pioneer secondary schools (2020 Session )2024-09-02T09:39:40+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Exceptional promotion of primary teachers who have undergone training (session January 1, 2020) 17/06/2020 Exceptional promotion of primary teachers who have undergone training (session January 1, 2020)2024-09-02T09:39:41+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Individual choices for entry to pioneer schools (2020 Session) 17/06/2020 Individual choices for entry to pioneer schools (2020 Session)2024-09-02T09:39:41+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Résultats du concours interne sur dossiers pour la promotions des administratifs de l’éducation (Sessions 2019) 15/06/2020 Résultats du concours interne sur dossiers pour la promotions des administratifs de l’éducation (Sessions 2019)2024-09-02T09:39:41+00:00 External contest Continue Reading
Concours interne sur dossiers pour la promotion au grade de professeur agrégé principal classe exceptionnelle (Session 2019) 12/06/2020 Concours interne sur dossiers pour la promotion au grade de professeur agrégé principal classe exceptionnelle (Session 2019)2024-09-02T09:39:41+00:00 Avis Continue Reading
Concours interne sur dossiers pour la promotion des conseillers d’applications (session 2019) 10/06/2020 Concours interne sur dossiers pour la promotion des conseillers d’applications (session 2019)2024-09-02T09:39:41+00:00 Internal contest Continue Reading
Concours interne sur dossiers pour la promotion des professeurs du secondaire (Session 2019) 10/06/2020 Concours interne sur dossiers pour la promotion des professeurs du secondaire (Session 2019)2024-09-02T09:39:41+00:00 External contest Continue Reading